The Climigrant’s Sketchbook Initiative is a resource network designed to empower migrants with the knowledge and skills necessary to adapt to their changing environments. In today's digital society, many knowledges behind craft making and self-sufficiency have been rendered inaccessible as the generational handicraft disappears. By collecting existing resources and original research, the platform offers a diverse range of articles, original diagrams, and interactive tools that cover various topics crucial to adaptation. These resources include but are not limited to:
- Building Techniques: Detailed guides of vernacular architectural typographic research and practical insights into constructing resilient, climate-adaptive structures that take into account local materials, climate variability, and available resources including the implementation of native species in the design solutions. We strongly emphasize the application of physical practices, where collaborators can learn by doing.
- Climate Literacy: Comprehensive information and visualizations that help migrants understand shifting climatic conditions, such as temperature changes, rainfall patterns, and the impact on ecosystems. This knowledge allows them to anticipate and prepare for future challenges.
- Storytelling through Art: A dedicated section for migrants to share their personal experiences, challenges faced, and successful adaptation strategies. This fosters a sense of community and encourages the exchange of valuable knowledge and best practices. As the reach of the CSI grows, so does the network of contributors and available resources.
- Research Database: A curated collection of both original research and external research, such as academic papers, case studies, and practical tools that provide a comprehensive repository for further exploration and learning.